
The ENERGATE project has recently released its latest deliverable, titled "Planning the Main Pilot Typologies". This comprehensive report, outlines the strategic deployment and validation of the ENERGATE platform across six European pilot countries: Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Greece, and Latvia. The aim is to demonstrate the platform's applicability and effectiveness in facilitating energy efficiency investments in a variety of building types.

Overview of the Deliverable:

The report provides a detailed plan for the pilot projects that will be implemented to showcase the ENERGATE platform's capabilities. It includes:

  1. Introduction to the ENERGATE Platform:
    • The platform is designed to facilitate communication between market actors and building owners, supporting energy efficiency investments through an ICT-enabled marketplace.
  2. Overall Pilot Description and Methodology:
    • Descriptions of pilot projects in residential, office, industrial, hospital, retail, and public buildings, outlining specific energy efficiency measures and the engagement process for stakeholders.
  3. ENERGATE Platform Use Cases and Data Entries:
    • Detailed use cases and necessary input data required for the registration of pilot cases within the platform, including building details, technical information, and financing needs.
  4. Main Pilot Typologies:
    • Specific pilot projects planned in various countries, with details on building types, responsible partners, and energy efficiency measures.
  5. Pilot Engagement Process:
    • Strategies for engaging stakeholders and ensuring their participation in the pilot projects, including initial communications, webinars, workshops, and feedback mechanisms.

The report emphasises the importance of stakeholder engagement and the use of realistic metrics to ensure the effectiveness of the platform in facilitating energy efficiency investments.

Download the report here.