
ENERGATE report on "Dissemination and Communication Strategy- v1"


The 1st release of the ENERGATE report on "Dissemination and Communication strategy" outlines the process behind the development of the ENERGATE communication and dissemination strategy and objectives. This deliverable aims to set a strategy to be applied during the overall implementation of the project. One of the main objective, is to define the target audience and the project’s stakeholders and define the communication and dissemination activities to engage them.

The Dissemination and Communication strategy of ENERATE can be articulated into two main phases:

Phase I – Raise awareness/interest among key stakeholders (M1-M15): ENERGATE will focus on establishing a common project identity, raising awareness and interest regarding the project’s expected results, as well as, identifying the target groups and main project’s stakeholders and plan the activities to reach them. During this phase the aim is as well to raise awareness about the ENERGATE Platform (the 1st public version roll-out to stakeholders is expected by M15) through the different communication channels and target groups identified in this deliverable.

Phase II – Enhance acceptance of ENERGATE ICT-enabled solution and promoting the ENERGATE platform (M15-Y3): ENERGATE will focus on disseminating its solution as well as the ENERGATE platform and its use with a view to clearly demonstrate the benefits and supporting future exploitation of results also after the project’s end. Key activities to be conducted during Phase II include publications about project results, the organization of conferences, events, workshops, and participatory activities (e.g., labs) promoting knowledge exchange. In this phase, ENERGATE will engage the target stakeholders at the national level, through the organisation of workshops and webinars in the partners’ country and national language, and at the EU level through the organisation of a Final Event. The event will aim to link the projects’ results with EU policy discussions and bring together high-level representatives from different organizations and institutions.

Download the ENERGATE report here.