MATRYCS H2020 and ENERGATE LIFE projects joining forces to incentivise energy efficiency in the building sector
The ENERGATE project (Energy Efficiency Aggregation Platform for Sustainable Investments) is an EU-funded initiative aiming to accelerate renovation rates in the EU by facilitating sustainable investments in the building sector. To achieve this, an energy efficiency marketplace will be developed, bringing together a variety of stakeholders. The potential ENERGATE platform users are divided into two pylons:
Pylon A, or else the “Supply Side”, supplies information relevant to prospective energy efficiency projects, such as information of the building needing renovation and retrofitting measures that apply to it.
Pylon B, or else the “Demand Side”, includes financial stakeholders who are looking to finance projects aiming to improve the energy performance of the building stock.
The ENERGATE platform will provide a risk-free, user-friendly environment, where users will be able to interact with each other and communicate in an optimal manner. The whole procedure will be facilitated by the platform’s recommendations, as well as the matchmaking and aggregation services, which will increase the chances of projects to be financed. After the implementation of the renovation project, users will be able to provide feedback and project results will be monitored.
More specifically, the platform’s flow is divided in the following stages:
Fetch Stage
In this stage, project-related data are collected and organised in a structured manner. Technical, commercial and risk-related information must be properly declared.
Process Stage
The aggregation of similar projects to create bundles of products occurs. The products are then presented to the demand side, through a matchmaking procedure based on both financial and non-financial KPIs.
Deliver Stage
Realised projects are monitored, energy savings are validated and feedback is provided.

ENERGATE platform stages with MATRYCS
ENERGATE pursues to cooperate with other EU projects, to multiply the impact, develop additional benefits, replicate results and provide enhanced services. In fact, a cooperation agreement with MATRYCS project has been established.
Cooperation of ENERGATE and MATRYCS
The MATRYCS project intends to develop a new decision making and data analytics solution for energy-efficient buildings, by combining existing innovative technologies such as Big Data and Machine Learning/Deep Learning. MATRYCS will realise a holistic, state of the art AI empowered framework for decision support models, data analytics and visualizations for Digital Building Twins and real-life applications. The resulting MATRYCS Modular Toolbox is expected to have a great impact on the building sector, by enabling monitoring and improvement of buildings’ energy performance, facilitating the design and development of building infrastructure, supporting policy making and policy impact assessment, as well as de-risking of energy efficiency investments.
Within the ENERGATE project, the three functional layers of MATRYCS reference architecture will be exploited:
The MATRYCS GOVERNANCE layer provides data – related services (integration, pre-processing, semantic annotation, storage and heterogeneous data querying functionalities for the MATRYCS pilot datasets), while securing data access and immutability across the MATRYCS Ecosystem.
In ENERGATE, this layer will be used to enable effective data collection and safe data exchange between platform users.
The MATRYCS PROCESSING layer is responsible for data processing, enabling advanced services by encapsulating intelligent building blocks and a library of reusable Machine Learning/Deep Learning models.
This layer will be used in ENERGATE to assist various internal processes. The MATRYCS ML suite, Visualisation Engine and MATRYCS End-to-End Security framework will be exploited.
The MATRYCS ANALYTICS Toolbox is responsible for exposing the building analytics services to the end users, clustered into Visualizations and Reports Engine, the Analytics Building Services, the Building Digital Twin and the Virtual Workbench.
ENERGATE will tap in the MATRYCS toolbox as an external app, so that this layer can be used to upscale the MATRYCS analytics services.