ENERGATE involves organisations with complementary expertise from the research and industrial area across Europe that have not only a wide range of knowledge to deliver the ambitious project objectives but also relevant financial and administrative capacities to deliver successful commercial exploitation of project results. ENERGATE Consortium includes 12 partners from 8 countries (Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Spain and The Netherlands) which are perfectly balanced in terms of company types, expertise, role in the value chain and geographical location to meet all EC criteria. All partners have world-wide expertise in their fields of activities and have the capacity and resources to fulfil the project objectives.

NTUA is a leading research institute in the area of management and decision support for energy efficiency, promotion of energy technologies, energy regulation, policies/strategies and planning at national and community level, environmental planning at regional and national level, renewable energy sources technologies, climate change and sustainable development and energy conservation. NTUA has an in-depth experience in the development of a wide range of ICT-systems, e-platforms etc. and therefore will lead the Design & Development of the ENERGATE platform. In addiction NTUA will exploit the significant experience in project management of research projects and be the Project Coordinator.
FWT is a newly established smart energy advisory company aiming to contribute to the clean energy transition in South East and Eastern Europe (SEEEE). It provides solutions and advisory services with a focus on the 3Ds (Decarbonisation, Digitalisation and Decentralisation) of clean energy transition. It covers a rather diversified range of skills and experiences in the energy sector covering technical, economic and regulatory aspects of energy production, delivery and end-use. FWT has deep understanding and expertise on technical areas that relate with a broad spectrum of energy efficiency and RES for buildings measures and understands the risks and barriers that energy efficiency financing faces. FWT will cover the requirements and specification analysis along with the definition of the use cases of the ENERGATE platform. FWT will also leverage its technical expertise and network in order to ensure the interoperability with other platforms.
IEECP is a non-profit international research institute that brings together top experts in energy efficiency and climate policy issues from various EU research organisations. IEECP’s expertise lies in producing science-based outputs for energy and climate policy through engaging stakeholders, evaluating policies, drafting policy syntheses and recommendations, analysing data and statistics as well as developing tools, libraries, capacity building and learning programmes and more. IEECP’s main role in the project will be that of providing insight on the topic of Energy Efficiency financing from a European Energy and Climate Policy perspective which is their main expertise. IEECP will also contribute significantly to the stakeholder consultation and engagement along with dissemination activities.
REHVA, as the leading independent professional HVAC organization in Europe dedicated to the improvement of health, comfort and energy efficiency in all buildings and communities has an impact on national and EU level policy making, implementation and research initiatives. REHVA's mission is to develop and disseminate economical, energy efficient, safe and healthy technology for mechanical services of building and to serve its members and the field of building engineering by facilitating knowledge exchange, supporting the development of related EU policies and their national level implementation. REHVA has a long experience in organizing and facilitating the work of EU experts towards the validation and screening of innovative methodologies in the field of buildings energy efficiency. REHVA will leverage their knowledge hub and network in order to ensure a successful strategy for sustainability, replication, dissemination and exploitation of ENERGATE results.
SCN was established as a civil, non-profit organization with the intention to provide substantial technical support in informing, networking and managing the Municipalities that partake in it, enabling them to prepare and submit proposals to European Programmes and utilize the available funding. The members of the Network are 70 Municipalities from Greece and Cyprus, the National Technical University of Athens, the Maniatakion Foundation, the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development of Cyprus and the Regional Association of Solid Waste Management Bodies of Peloponnese Region. The leading aspirations of the Network is to plan and act in order to develop a network of cooperation among its members as far as the sectors of Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection, Circular Economy, Climate Change and Eco-innovation are concerned. SCN will leverage its network potential to enhance replicability of project outcomes and further sustainability. SCN will be also a main contributor in the stakeholder engagement and consultation process.
EnerSave Capital, as the General Partner of a non-regulated securitization and private equity vehicle under Luxembourg law has helped to transition other types of project investments into tradable securities and have long experience as traders and investment bankers. ESC has in depth know-how of the bond market, the green bond principles, sustainability, securitization, energy efficiency as a service, EPC contracts and the EU ESCO market. At the same time ESC do have a rather extended network within Europe to be able to push the testing of ENERGATE platform both to investors and to ESCOs. Therefore, ESC will contribute significantly to the requirements and specification analysis and will also have a significant contribution to the pilots assessment and definition of business models, in the stakeholder engagement process and sustainability, replication and overall exploitation of project outcomes.
Greenesco was founded by Attica Finance of the Attica Bank Group (one of the biggest banks in Greece), and Public Power Company Renewables (PPCR) (owned by Public Power Corporation (PPC), biggest power producer and electricity supply company in Greece). The close relation with these major shareholders (PPCR and Attica Bank) provides access to main infrastructures and a lot of public and private buildings to promote Energy Efficiency. It has a big portfolio in RES (projects of PPC Renewables), strong presence throughout the country (network of PPC and DEDDIE) and to neighbouring Balkan countries through the companies acquired by PPC. Greenesco is a flexible energy service company (official esco) with speed and efficiency in making and implementing decisions that, although is private, are covered by the PPC's large umbrella, having the benefits of PPC's goodwill but not its difficulties, due to its size, in the management of projects. Greenesco is one of the 5 ENERGATE pilots bringing the financial perspective of the demand side in the ENERGATE platform.
COMMUTY is a Spanish SME which combines the expertise of asset and project management providing a holistic approach for value added projects in the Real Estate sector. COMMUTY’s methodology is focused on innovation in conjunction new real estate products and urban developments along with sustainable investments processes with clear methodology, accompanying with analysis product definition to real project execution. COMMUTY works permanently with a group of Real Estate funds that have a constant pipeline of investment opportunities and, when the investments are executed, they turn into real-life execution projects. COMMUTY will play a key role as one of the 5 ENERGATE pilots representing the profile of the supply side (asset managers, project managers) of the ENERGATE platform. COMMUTY will also support activities for the requirements and specification analysis.
LDK with over 50 years of experience in the sectors of Energy Consulting; Environmental Consulting; Civil Engineering; Transport Infrastructure; Programme & Project Management; Communication & Organisation of events; Evaluations of donor funded programmes and projects, has a multi-decade expertise on the identification, analysis and design of cost optimal solutions for energy and resource efficiency in all types of end users, supported by an established vertically integrated in house expertise on designing sustainable projects and backed by customised modelling tools for technical, financial and economic analysis of energy efficiency interventions. LDK will bring its extended experience in techno-economic issues of energy efficiency and will provide critical inputs in many different tasks throughout the project. LDK is expert in order to coordinate all the necessary actions and widely recommended steps required to deploy and validate the ENERGATE’s outputs applying specific methodologies according to international standards, regarding the assessment of pilot planning requirements, relevant applicable business models and contractual frameworks. LDK is also one of the 5 ENERGATE pilots by providing data and expertise from different perspectives according to its extended expertise.
RPR Riga Planning Region main functions are related to planning and coordination of socio-economic development of the Riga region, preparation of development vision, objectives and priorities, identification of projects within the region, representation of regions' interests at national and international level and facilitation of cooperation between the region's municipalities. The mission of the region is to coordinate and to promote long-term and well-balanced development of the Riga region by providing effective services to local inhabitants, NGOs, entrepreneurs and municipalities. One of the main functions for RPR is to represent the regional development interests on the national and international levels. One of the development interests is to ensure the efficient energy usage at regional level. RPR is under supervision of the Ministry of environmental protection and regional development which manage EKII financial instrument. Due to the Ministry’s huge experience in EE investments and good cooperation between RPR and the Ministry, RPR will play a key role as an.
GGGI is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in its 40 member countries. GGGI’s operating model maximizes the potential to translate green growth strategies and policies (especially economic policies) into green investment plans, mobilizing green finance commitments. At the invitation of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (MIT), Government of Hungary, GGGI established its European office in Budapest in 2019. GGGI has been supporting the Government of Hungary through various projects, including the establishment of a regional green fund, the implementation of an urban climate assessment and green export development project, and the macroeconomic modelling of Hungary’s decarbonisation by 2050.GGGI will use its expertise to contribute to the designing of financing vehicles mobilising funds and will lead the replicability and overall exploitation of the ENERGATE outcomes.
Enerbrain focuses to turn energy-wasteful non-residential buildings into smarter, healthier and more sustainable ones by using innovative IoT sensors, actuators, and novel fuzzy algorithms. EB developed a scalable “plug & play” kit of devices (designed and produced in Italy) that can be easily installed in every building to fine-tune energy usage in real time and provides solutions for the energy aggregators and utilities market, thanks to cloud-based software/hardware platform. Moreover, EB’s solution has also a strong focus on occupant well-being and thermal comfort, with proved comfort time for occupants attesting over 90%. EB will leverage on its network of partners and clients to provide pilots where to use technology to collect and elaborate data the first important step to validate new and innovative business models.